Initial Commercializing

Xphere Mainnet Specs_As of April 2024

  1. Block Generation Time Xphere can generate blocks within 1-2 seconds. This is more than 15 times faster compared to Ethereum currently, greatly enhancing blockchain responsiveness and processing efficiency. This rapid block generation time is suitable for applications requiring swift transaction processing such as financial transactions and real-time data processing.

  2. Transactions Per Second (TPS) Xphere has the capacity to process over 4,000 transactions per second, supporting large-scale commercial activities and high user activity.

  3. Perceived Network Fees Xphere minimizes economic burdens by offering users very low fees. Transaction fees are set at nearly zero, approximately 0.000001 Xphere per transaction, allowing users to freely engage in frequent and small transactions.

  4. X-Guardians Xphere forms a governance alliance with 20-40 companies, referred to as X-Guardians. This alliance makes the operation of the blockchain network more transparent and fair, integrating expertise and resources from various industries to enhance the stability and reliability of the network.

  5. Collaboration with Service Partners Xphere collaborates with various initial service partners to develop and launch blockchain-based applications. Through these partnerships, Xphere explores new market opportunities and innovates the overall business model by applying blockchain technology to various industries. In this process, partners utilize Xphere's technical capabilities to strengthen their competitiveness in the market and provide innovative solutions.

Last updated