
X-Guardians (Xphere Governance Alliance)

X-Guardians, the governance alliance of the Xphere mainnet, consists of node operators of the core chain network, namely the resource chain and the main chain. X-Guardians serve as the core of the governance structure of the Xphere mainnet, operating nodes of the core chain network (resource chain and main chain). This alliance is responsible for maintaining network infrastructure and effectively managing the decentralized governance of the Xphere ecosystem.

To become a member of X-Guardians, one must undergo eligibility review in the X-Guardians process, and in some cases, may need to meet the condition of staking a certain amount of XP Coin. Decisions regarding this are made by the Xphere Foundation, with key decisions including eligibility review, selection, tenure of qualification, allocation and revocation of operating nodes, rewards and staking scales, consensus on individual additional expected roles, sanctions, and others.

Furthermore, X-Guardians rewards incentivize members of the governance alliance to be a stable foundation of the Xphere ecosystem.

X-Guardians Rewards

The Xphere Foundation allocates node operating rights to X-Guardians members, enabling them to perform roles as validators.

Block rewards generated from these nodes are provided to the respective X-Guardians members in proportion to the funding structure outlined earlier. However, the scale of block rewards may be adjusted based on the importance of performing additional expected roles individually.

X-Guardians rewards are provided through contracts between the Xphere Foundation and X-Guardians members. Ultimately, as Xphere transitions to a public blockchain, the reward mechanism may be temporary, and X-Guardians rewards will not be systematically reflected, such as through the use of smart contracts within the Xphere blockchain.

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